Organic agricultural products right to your table!

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About Us

Our company

We provide high-quality organic products

Our Mission

is to improve the accessibility of quality food in Africa”

CEO – Nozinhle Prudence Toulassi

Our Story

We have created a secured marketing platform to trade commodities in Africa through an online payment system that accessible to small and medium farmer in Africa. The platform has the fallowing features that we believe will enhance the agribusiness in Africa:

  • User friendly for the small and medium farmer to register
  • Easy to sign in and enter into offtake agreement with Jallz-Stores by downloading pre-drafted offtake agreement
  • The potential buyers deal directly with Jallz-Stores and can enter contract with us

We enter into agreement with logistics companies to complement our own to reach areas where we are unable to reach. We have also entered in to contracts with large numbers of the motorbike owner in various African countries to deliver groceries at your doorsteps if you decide to buy.

Our business has the following component:

  • Wholesale: we supply large institutions that want to buy large quantities of commodities. For instance, small and large supermarkets in Africa
  • Groceries: our in countries offices offer groceries delivery at your doorstep with decide to shop with. Our aim is to support growing middle class that want high quality food. we have deigned our country-based application to cater for them.

Our Vision

is to supply quality food to 500 million household by 2030”

CEO – Nozinhle Prudence Toulassi

Nozinhle Prudence Toulassi


A seasoned business woman with over 10 years’ worth of experience in international trade. She is the co-founder of Jallz-Stores (Pty) Ltd. She is a graduate from University of Southern Africa, South Africa and GIBS MBA candidate.

Kossi Toulassi

Senior Advisor

Kossi is a Chartered Accountant (CA), with 18+ years of experience in the public and private sector respectively. Prior to being recruited by the African Union Development Agency’s New Partnership for Africa’s Development’s (AUDA-NEPAD) NEPAD Secretariat in 2008, he honed his skills working for various blue-chip companies in the UK. He led the Finance and Administration Division of the NEPAD Agency as Head of Finance for 11 years before being promoted to Head of Programme Development at AUDA-NEPAD in 2019. During his tenure as Head of Finance, he successfully implemented a number of systems that have transformed the organisation. In his current role, he has been actively involved in strategy formulation for the entire organisation, with his primary responsibility being to lead the development and incubation of the continental programmes based on the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

Fresh, seasonal, organic veg

Eat clean.
Eat organic.

Eating clean and organic is a great way to improve your overall health and wellness. It’s no secret that eating healthy can reduce risk of chronic diseases, support a healthy weight, provide essential nutrients to the body, and more.

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