Peach curd is an undeniably delicious treat that can be a unique addition to any meal. It’s sweet, tart, and creamy all at the same time – the perfect dessert! But its history may surprise you.

Originally, peach curd was developed in the 1920s as a way to make use of surplus peaches. As food production changed over time, many farmers were left with excessive amounts of fruit that they had no way to sell. So, creative cooks began experimenting with different recipes for using up those extra peaches — and one of those recipes was peach curd!

Today, there are still variations on peach curd recipes from around the world — from India’s shrikhand (a yogurt-based version) to Britain’s popular lemon and peach combination. In fact, it’s such a versatile dish that it has been known to show up in some very unexpected places!

For example: In 2014, renowned chef Thomas Keller featured his own take on “peach monteau”—a variation on classic French “monteau”—at The French Laundry restaurant in California. And just last year a Philly-based blog called Mama Musings published their own take on Peach Curd Jam Bars which tasted amazing—especially when served warm!

No matter how you choose to enjoy it (on toast or straight out of the jar!), this iconic dessert is sure to satisfy your taste buds while taking you back in time and celebrating a piece of culinary history all at once.

Making your own

Peach curd is a delicious and easy dish to make at home. It is made with fresh peaches, sugar, butter, eggs and lemon juice. The result is a smooth and creamy dessert that has the sweetness of the peaches balanced with a hint of acidity from the lemon.

To start making your own peach curd, begin by blending together two or three ripe peaches in a food processor until they are mostly liquid. You can strain out any remaining chunks if desired, but this isn’t necessary. Next add ½ cup of sugar to the pureed mixture along with 4 tablespoons of butter (melted) and ½ teaspoon of salt. Mix these ingredients together before adding 3 large eggs one at a time while whisking quickly over low heat on your stovetop. To reduce lumps you can also pass this mixture through a strainer after mixing it together with each egg addition.

Once all ingredients have been blended into an even consistency turn off the heat under your pan and add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice while stirring continuously for 1-2 minutes before removing from heat entirely . Let this cool for 15-20 minutes before transferring it into jars or storage containers where it will last up to two weeks when stored in refrigerator temperatures between 35-40°F (1-4°C). Enjoy!

Making peach curd at home adds an extra special touch to any summertime breakfast or brunch item as well as makes for delightful gifts during special occasions such as birthdays or holidays like Mother’s Day . There are many recipes available online that provide guidance on how best to make peach curd including some excellent blog posts covering detailed instructions step by step such as Spruce Eats: Peach Curd Recipe which provides great visual references along with useful tips like understanding proper softball boiling techniques and more!

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