
SKU: sy-001 Category: Product ID: 1499


Soybeans are an important crop in West Africa, and they are grown in several countries in the region, including Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, and Togo. There are several types of soybeans that are grown in West Africa, including:

Early-maturing soybeans: These are soybeans that mature within a short period of time, typically around 80-90 days after planting. They are well-suited for areas with short rainy seasons, and they can be used for both food and feed purposes.

Medium-maturing soybeans: These soybeans mature within 100-120 days after planting, and they are suitable for areas with moderate rainfall. They are used mainly for food purposes, as they have good cooking qualities and are high in protein.

Late-maturing soybeans: These soybeans take over 120 days to mature and are usually planted in areas with long rainy seasons. They are primarily used for feed purposes because of their high protein content.

High-yielding soybeans: These are soybean varieties that have been bred to produce high yields under good growing conditions. They are suitable for both food and feed purposes and can be grown in a variety of West African environments.

Low-linolenic soybeans: These soybeans are genetically modified to produce low levels of linolenic acid, which can help extend the shelf life of soybean oil. They are mainly used for industrial purposes, such as in the production of margarine and other food products.

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Any, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo


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