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Meat Products

Africa is home to a number of countries that export beef products. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the top 10 beef producers in Africa are South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Namibia, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Botswana.

South Africa is the largest producer of beef in Africa with 15.76% of total production. Tanzania follows with 7.31%, while Kenya produces 6.37%. Ethiopia has 4.45% of total production followed by Nigeria with 3.74%. Namibia is the first African country to gain market access to export beef to the United States after 18 years of trade negotiations between the two countries. Other countries that produce and export beef include Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Botswana.

The increased dynamism of red meat demand along coastal countries in West Africa has driven a number of planned investments in beef production and exports from these countries over recent years. For example, Tanzania plans to double its meat exports by 2025 as part of its agricultural sector development strategy for 2020-2025.

Due to the increase demand of red meet in Africa, Jallz-Stores in in process of facilitating trade between companies in  African countries that supply and the buyers. We have set up the logistics to ensure smooth operation amongst African countries

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