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Food Commodities

Food Commodities

We offer a range for commodities that meet the international food standards. We offer premium foods at low cost.

# Fruit Vegetables Meat Cash Crops Oil
1 Oranges Cucumbers Beef Cocoa Beans Ground nut oil
2 Mangoes Onions Chicken Coffee Beans Palm nut oil
3 Pineapples Tomatoes Duck Cashew Nuts Cotton seed oil
4 Apples Salads Lamb Soya
5 Watermelons Garden Eggs Goat Maize
6 Bananas Fish Rice
7 Dried Fruits Ground nuts

Jallz Stores Commodities Trading

The food commodities market in Africa is rapidly evolving. In 2020-22, staple food prices in sub-Saharan Africa surged by an average 23.9 percent—the most since the 2008 global financial crisis. This has highlighted the need for innovative solutions to ensure that African farmers and producers can access fairer transactions and better prices.

Jallz stores will set up a smart contract process based on blockchain technology to ensure that farmers derived higher return on their investments by using smart contracts to sell their produce.

Jallz Stores plays pivotal role in provide a secure platform for the farmers.

Overall, Jallz Stores is investing in innovations ranging from better seeds to digital tools is key to transforming African food systems.

Support to Farmers in Africa

Africa is home to millions of smallholder farmers who are the backbone of the continent’s agricultural sector. Supporting these farmers is essential to helping Africa achieve food security and economic growth. There are a number of ways Jallz Stores is  supporting  farmers in Africa, from providing access to resources such as organic fertilizers, and seeds, to investing in farmer engagement through traditional and non-traditional methods.

One way we are supporting African farmers is through digital technology.

Working with international paetrners such as The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also to support agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa  by investing in initiatives that promote sustainable and inclusive agricultural transformation. These initiatives include providing access to resources such as land, fertilizers, and seeds; better understanding farmer segmentation; tailoring solutions to local needs; and improving market linkages for smallholder farmers.

Jallz Stores will  work with rural families  Africa to help them grow more crops, sell more crops, and earn higher incomes from their harvests. We will  provide training on best practices for crop production as well as advice on how best to market their products so they can get the most out of their harvests.

Supporting African farmers is essential for achieving food security across the continent. By providing access to resources such as land, fertilizers, seeds, and digital technology; investing in farmer engagement; tailoring solutions to local needs; and improving market linkages for smallholder farmers we can help ensure that African agriculture continues to thrive.

“ Jallz Stores has the know how to support rural families  Africa to grow more crops, sell more crops, and earn higher incomes from their harvests. We will  provide training on best practices for crop production as well as advice on how best to market their products so they can get the most out of their harvests”

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